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 Photographer: WMG Photography

Hire a Doula


Photographer: The Gray Hive


Photographer: Tia Biggs (Doula)

If you are looking to hire a birth or postpartum doula, we recommend that you set up a consultation with one or more doulas. Most doulas offer a free consultation or primary interview. But be prepared, after meeting these wonderful doulas and learning about their services, you might be hooked! 

Doula Association of Edmonton 
Our website is a great place to get you going and you very well may find just the doula you are looking for. The birth and postpartum doulas listed below have all met the requirements for becoming a listed DAE member. 


Photographer: Teresa Bolinski

Doula: April Fermaniuk

Finding a Doula
Doulas advertise in a variety of different venues. Birth Issues is a childbirth and parenting magazine offered throughout the city where you can find the names of local doulas. Birth Issues is published by the Association for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth (ASAC), a great resource for parents-to-be. Some doctors and midwives work with specific doulas, so you can always ask them for their suggestions. You can also visit CAPPAProDoula or DONA to locate certified doulas in your area. 


​Contacting A Doula
Now that you know how to find a doula, the next step is the initial contact. Generally people will call the doula to learn about their availability. If you are looking for a birth doula, your due date and the timing of your call make a difference in whether or not a doula will be available. The earlier in your pregnancy you look for a birth doula, the better to ensure that you have more doulas to choose from and the time to build a strong relationship with your chosen doula. However, if you are close to the end of your pregnancy, there will likely still be an available doula who can help! 

Your initial phone conversation is also the time to learn about the doula's philosophies surrounding birth, parenting and her personality. Your first contact with a doula can often foster your bond with her. Be prepared to ask questions and be open. You will know which personality or style suits your needs best after consulting with a few doulas. Who do you feel most comfortable with? 

Interviewing a Doula 

Most doulas offer a free initial consultation at a location and time of your convenience. The interview is an opportunity to get to know the doula's personality and services and learn how they could best serve you. This is a chance to meet the doula in person and ask them questions


​Click here for a printable PDF file of sample questions.


Although this is an interview, don't be too formal. Be as open as you can with the doula you are interviewing. Be sure you have a clear understanding of the payment arrangement. The payment options and services associated may vary to a degree. Generally speaking, you can expect the fee to be between $750-$1200. 


Photographer: The Gray Hive

Doula: Tia Biggs


Photographer: Teresa Bolinski

Doula: April Fermaniuk

Selecting a Doula

Once you have interviewed some doulas, you are faced with making a decision. A week after all the interviews are complete is an appropriate time frame to get back to a doula. Doulas take a limited number of clients each month. The number is up to the individual and determined by the doula's availability, other commitments and also in an attempt to avoid the overlap of births (for birth doulas). Because of this, a doula's calendar can fill up quickly. 


​Your Doula
From this point onward, you and your doula will decide on the services which will be provided. Each doula has a different protocol on how often you meet, the topics of the meetings and her availability to you. Be sure you are very clear about the boundaries of your relationship. If the doula is not planning on covering something that is important to you, ask her. Often a doula can tailor their services to suit you and your specific needs. Your doula is a wealth of information and a link to many services available to you in your city. If your doula cannot do something for you personally, they may be able to direct you to someone who can.

© 2021 by Doula Association of Edmonton (DAE)

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